Let me share....

I was thinking about writing blogs for quite a some time now. Every-time I thought of writing, I use to spend my time thinking about the name of the blog...used to look thesaurus, quotations and other resources on internet to keep some extraordinary name of the blog, rather than investing that time to write something meaningful.

Today while having evening tea in the balcony of our new flat at Gurgaon, my wife, Anjali relaxing in her recent possession Papasan chair. Papasan Chair*....oh my god, Anjali saw this variety of occasional chair first time in London around 2 years back at Pier* on Tottenham Court Road and fell in love with it instantly. It was like "Love at First Sight"...unlike her feeling for me , in 2001, which was just "Crush at First Sight".... Anyways, we didn't buy it then as it was exorbitantly priced at £299.99. Now it has come down to just £90 in the same store but we recently bought it at mere Rs.2,400, which is just £30. How Smart!! It is popularly known as Tokri Chair in Delhi/Gurgaon and one can get it either on M G Road or in Kirti Nagar. One can probably get it in high end furniture stores as well.

Leave it, lets come to the point...enjoying her tea she asked me "Why are you wasting your time thinking about name of the blog, either start writing or just forget it?" and I replied "Let me share my experiences, knowledge, mistakes...bla bla bla with people...." and it clicked. LET ME SHARE......it was so simple.

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papasan_chair


Unknown said…
ia lways knew jiji was the only one who cud put u on track..hehehhehe
Dheeraj Bellani said…
Dude, i think you both make the most amazing couple I have ever come acorss and your feeling and the anecdote shared here is only a small testimont of the fact....
The_Tusker said…
welcome chunky boy..
would love to share your blog-journey
Bhola said…
you could write a sunday column !!
Prasant Naidu. said…
flavour of love comes from the piece...carry on dude!!!

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