I did WRONG!!!

It seemed a long day at office..pata nahin kam nahin ho paa raha tha. Actually, I am currently up-skilling myself to new technology, so busy with it. Ayways as I was unbale to concentrate in office I asked Nishant to leave early with an idea to reach home and study a bit but the issue was that I had a meeting with Andrea, my manager who sits in Waldorf and my rest of the team at 6:30 in the evening. But we have flexibility to attend it from anywhere, thanks to Telecom revolution. So I reached home early and did my work for sometime.

I had to go to pick Anjali after my meeting. I was driving to Global Business Park listening to same songs on every FM, seriously many a times I like listening to AIR (All India Radio) as they play quite a variety of songs otherwise all new FM's play same 10-12 songs from recent movies. No wonder even bad songs becomes a hit one like Tha kar ke, tha tha kar ke!!

My habit is to give Anjali a miss call roughly 5 minutes before reaching her office. Coz of the habit I picked up my mobile and give her a miss call while approaching a traffic signal. I was driving at less than 30 Kmph as I was aware that there is a traffic light and I have to stop in my lane. I stopped and was waiting for the traffic lights to turn green after 45 seconds and suddenly I heard a knock on passenger's side window. A man in a dark blue jacket asked me to lower down the window, I asked him the reason by my hand gesture. He showed me the walkie-talkie and his uniform as a proof of being a traffic policeman. I lowed down the window and he told me in typical hrayanwi accent that I had made an offense of talking on mobile while driving and had to pay fine for it. The red light turned green and he asked to park my car on the side. I did as asked and he asked my driving license and registration papers. As I don't carry original registration papers in my car, he said a photocopy will do along with driving license. I knew back of my mind that once I handed my license to him I will not get it back until I pay my fine, which he told was of Rs 1000 and n top of it I have to go to court to pay the fine and get my license back. Going to Magistrate's office and paying the fine was ok in terms of time but Rs. 1000, was a bit too much. He said you can go there (magistrate's office) and explain your situation and if its your day then he might waive off your fine, he said it when I tried explaining him that I was not talking to anybody it was just a miss call, but I accept I was at wrong. I broke the law of using mobile while driving. I know every second person, or probably every single Indain does it at-least one time in a day, but वोह कहते है ना की चोरी बहौत लोग करते है लेकिन जो पकड़ा जाता है वोह ही चोर कहलाता है!!!

So he was telling me the problems I can face now as I have broken a law, so finally I thought that it's ok I broke a law so I have to pay and finally I handed over my license to him and asked him to give me the receipt. Now his tined changed, I think he was not expecting that coming, he might bethinking that I will ask him to sort out this issue at his end rather than booking me with the fine and at the same time I was thinking how much cash I have in my pocket in case I ask him to close the chapter there and then. I remembered that I was having only Rs 65 in my pocket so there is no point offering such a mere amount as he will not agree to it. PATHETIC CHANAKYA...I know guys, even I cant think myself doing such a thing. Finally he broke the ice and asked me to pay him something and let it go and I said, look I just have Rs 50 in my pocket, if you want you can take it and let me go and he immediately grabbed it as if I have offered him cadbury eclairs on my birthday in classroom...and as a return gift he gave me my license back and gone...

I started my engine and back on the way to pick Anjali. I increased the volume of my radio and I was driving fast as if I am running from something. On second thought I was seriously trying to run away from something I dont know what!!...I was running...I dont know what I was feeling that time...was I angry on him, or was I angry on myself, was I feeling bad about his situation of accepting mere Rs 50 and being happy about it or was I feeling guilty or angry of breaking a law and doing a crime of bribing somebody...I really dont know what was going in my head that time but I was upset. I havent been upset that kind in a long time...I dont remember when I was so much upset!!!

I reached and parked my car and waited for her to come in Tower D's porch. She came with a usual smile on her face and I was awarded with a kiss for reaching on time, I didnt tell er her anything that time but she might have sensed that there was something wrong with me. I asked her about her day and we drove back to our place.

Guys, I was ready to pay a Rs 1000 fine but only because I thought I didnt had much cash to offer him but when he agreed for Rs 50 I bribed him and drove off. I did wrong and I am really ashamed of myself but I want your honest answer, what you would have done in a similar situation.

Please reply!!!


Bhola said…
Not good !!! It just encouraged corruption. Not that you alone encouraged it but its like... "one drop of water from the ocean will not empty it". but then one day it will be empty. So lets all remember to make our country a civilized one we must do our part and hope everyone else will do the same and one day no cop will ask for a bribe!
MK said…
You were really running from something at that instance.. I completely disagree with Bhola since that is the way things work in India and no one can bring a change to demolish corruption for a long time to come.

We all do run from this when we have something else on our head or we are not having a very good day.. and suddenly this useless Traffic Officers comes up to us for his evening meal or God knows what he wants to pay for.. When we are done with this guy, there is always a new idae that comes to us that we should have said and done in that instance when all that episode happened... We all try to hide from ourselves and our consciousness to have been absent minded in that tough time..

Someone has rightly said... All's well that ends well.. Your day ended well.. you were rewarded a Kiss for being in time..
Prasant Naidu. said…
When i am replying to you I am using my small brain(no heart here).
If i would have been at your place i would have done the same thing. For us family what matters at the end of day.
Second right/wrong. I think it was a good thing that you at least felt that you did something wrong. Well i know lot of people who would not give a single penny under the table.
Rest lets close our eyes and think for a while that can corruption or bribery will evaporate from our so called "civilized society". For eg: don't we know how Mayawati fetches the money for her lavish b-day. What happened to that guy who refused to give money. Tortured and killed. Police is investigating the case and would be filed in few days. Who suffers end of the day the poor family of the guy who was killed.
We all know that why these police and constables take bribery cause the pay is just ridiculous but that doesn't mean they are doing right.

So it's bit complicated, U knw my answer now. But just to inform you don't try this in Bangalore dude. they just give u a slip and ur called to the station that's it.

could be my new blog :)

Parul said…
hey what you did was the demand of the situation... a normal indian will react in a similar mannere like you did...so there is no need of feeling bad about it... its the way of life.... when we talk of corruption... it was not you who offered it was the policemen who asked for it....as for corruption it really goes beyond all these small instances in life.... we need to do some consious efforts to weed it out of the system... .

For ex- in the coming elections how many of us would go to cast their vote....or take active interest in politics... other than crticising the politiics we ppl dont do any thing... how many of us take efforts to impart education to underpriviledged... like our maids or their family...n we are all educated but still criticises small in-conviences of life.... want to go out of India for better quality of life ........

So the corruption is not offering Rs 50 to policemen... its the way of life we are used if we do some thinking on our part may be the destiny can be changed...

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